Ness Glen - work on Upper Path
The East Ayrshire Woodlands Project work to replace the boardwalk timbers on the Upper Path of Ness Glen is progressing well. The work, which began in September, is being undertaken by East Ayrshire Woodlands Project Modern Apprentices. The project is expected to be completed by the end of November. In addition to the boardwalk, it includes reinforcing path edges near culverts and renewing a bridge section. Although the Upper Footpath is still open to users, the Project asks you for your own safety to make the workforce aware of your presence before passing by. Work generally takes place between 9.30-15.00 weekdays only.

Ness Glen is the best example of its type of gorge woodland in East Ayrshire - it supports a rich variety of flowering and non-flowering plants and is a designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).