Ness Glen progress
Preserving and enhancing areas like Ness Glen is vital not only for their ecological value but also for the enjoyment and education of the local community and visitors. It's heartening to see efforts being made to improve accessibility and safety in such a valuable natural asset.
It's fantastic to hear that the work on the Upper Path in Ness Glen is progressing steadily, and several boardwalk platforms are now complete. It’s no mean task for the workforce as the area can only be accessed on foot - all the materials including hefty lengths of wood, have to be transported by hand. And the further the work gets from the roadside the longer it takes to get the materials to the site.
The addition of non-slip strips to the boards is a thoughtful and practical measure. This enhancement not only improves safety for those using the boardwalks but also adds to the overall quality and usability of the infrastructure. It's evident that the project team is taking steps to ensure that the final result is not only functional but also user-friendly.
A commendation to East Ayrshire Woodlands Project and its Modern Apprentices team for their hard work and dedication. When the work is completed, the community and visitors will benefit greatly from the improved accessibility and safety in the area. If there are any specific updates or ways for the community to support the project, it would be great to share that information as well.